Alessandra Gnecchi (INFN, Milan)
Craig Lawrie (DESY)
Alexander Westphal (DESY)
Contact: eps23-conveners-t11
I will summarise recent progress in the formulation of flavour mixing and oscillations in pseudo-Hermitian quantum theories with non-Hermitian mass mixing matrices [arXiv: 2302.11666]. Such non-Hermitian quantum theories are made viable by the existence of a discrete anti-linear symmetry of the Hamiltonian, which ensures that single-particle states have real energies. I will describe the...
One of the most severe bottlenecks to reach high-precision predictions in QFT is the calculation of multiloop multileg Feynman integrals. Several new strategies have been proposed in the last years, allowing impressive results with deep implications in particle physics. Still, the efficiency of such techniques starts to drastically decrease when including many loops and legs. In this talk, we...
Recently there has been a huge research activity on the interplay between symmetries and entanglement, exploiting the block-diagonal structure of the reduced density matrix (RDM) in each charge sector. The goal of this talk is to study how the presence of a global U(1) charge affects the modular flow, a central object in the algebraic description of quantum field theory. Roughly speaking, the...
Entropy is the most innovative concept in thermodynamics. However, it seems that entropy has been defined and computed conveniently in each context, and that a unified definition of entropy for general relativistic field theory has not been established.
Recently, the author and collaborators have proposed a unified method to construct entropy current and entropy density as a conserved current...
Traditionally, scalar ϕ4 theory in four dimensions is thought to be quantum trivial in the continuum. This tradition is apparently well grounded both in physics arguments and mathematical proofs. Digging into the proofs one finds that they do not actually cover all physically meaningful situations, in particular the case of multi-component fields and non-polynomial action. In this work, I...
The anomalous (odd intrinsic parity) Lagrangian in mesonic Chiral Perturbation Theory is determined to next-to-next-to-leading order ($p^8$) thereby completing the order $p^8$ Lagrangian [1810.06834]. The number of independent operators and the operator basis will be discussed for a general number $N_f$ of light quark flavours as well as for the physical cases $N_f=2,3$. The explicit...
The AdS/CFT correspondence is a powerful tool for studying quantum gravity and strongly coupled quantum field theories. One of its simplest predictions is that the on-shell action of type IIB supergravity on $AdS_5 \times S^5$ is a non-zero number fixed by the boundary data, despite being zero in the standard formulation of supergravity. This apparent paradox was recently resolved by Kurlyand...
The RG equation for the effective potential in the leading log (LL) approximation is constructed which is valid for an arbitrary scalar field theory in 4 dimensions, including non-renormalizable case. In renormalizable case this equation is reduced to thew usual RG equation with one-loop beta-function.
The solution to this equation sums up the leading $\log\phi$ contributions to all orders...
We present new soliton solutions in a class of four-dimensional supergravity theories. For special values of the parameters, the solutions can be embedded in the gauged maximal N=8 theory and uplifted in the higher-dimensional D=11 theory. We also find BPS soliton configurations, preserving a certain fraction of supersymmetry.
Solitons play a special role in classical physics as well as in...
I will present a new computer program, feyntrop, which uses the tropical Monte Carlo approach to evaluate Feynman integrals numerically.
In order to apply this approach for physical kinematics, we introduce a new parametric representation of Feynman integrals that implements the causal iε prescription concretely while retaining projective invariance. feyntrop can efficiently evaluate...
We study the one loop renormalisation of 4d SU(N) Yang-Mills theory with M adjoint representation scalar multiplets. We calculate the coupled one-loop renormalization group flows for this theory by developing an algebraic description, which we find to be characterised by a non-associative algebra of marginal couplings. The 4d one loop beta function of the gauge coupling $g^2$ vanishes for the...
We discuss a new classical action that enables efficient computation of the gluonic tree amplitudes but does not contain any triple point vertices. This new formulation is obtained via a canonical transformation of the light-cone Yang-Mills action, with the field transformations based on Wilson line functionals. In addition to MHV vertices, the action contains also N^kMHV vertices, where ...