CTEQ / MCNet School 2016 on QCD and Electroweak Phenomenology

SR 4a/b (DESY Hamburg)

SR 4a/b

DESY Hamburg

Notkestr. 85 22607 Hamburg
The CTEQ - MCnet School 2016 
on QCD & Electroweak Phenomenology and Monte Carlo Generators 
will be hosted by DESY in Hamburg, Germany. 

The school is organised by DESY together with the Coordinated Theoretical-Experimental Project on QCD CTEQ and the Monte Carlo Network MCnet.

This is 23rd CTEQ School. Previous Schools have been held in USA, Mexico, Peru, China, Italy, Hungary, Greece, Spain and Scotland.

Participation Fee
The regular registration fee of 650 Euro includes accomodation and meals. 

School Programme
The program includes lectures as well as the hand-on tutorials on the topics of high relevance for modern high-energy physics. In 2016, the main focus of the school will be the physics program of the LHC in Run II:

- Introduction to QCD and electroweak theory

- Introduction to Monte Carlo generators

- Parton Densities: introduction and tutorial

- Monte Carlo tutorials

- Matching and merging higher orders

- Heavy quarks

- Jet physics

- BSM searches at the LHC 

- Dark matter and Astroparticle physics

- Future colliders

Local Organising Commitee: Katerina Lipka, Markus Diehl, Judith Katzy, Sven-Olaf Moch

CTEQ Committee: Fred Olness, Ed Berger, Joey Huston, Karol Kovarik, Tom LeCompte, Jorge Morfin, Pavel Nadolsky, Frank Petriello, Zack Sullivan, Dave Soper, Nikos Varelas, Werner Vogelsang

MCnet Committee: Peter Richardson, Stefan Gieseke, David Grellscheid, Stefan Hoeche, Mike Seymour

  • Aashaq Hussain Shah
  • Aleksandra Lelek
  • Alexandr Chumakov
  • Andrew Buccilli
  • Andriniaina Narindra Rasoanaivo
  • Annabelle Chuinard
  • Anne Ernst
  • Armando Bermudez Martinez
  • Artur Trofymov
  • Benjamin Allen
  • Carlos Honorato
  • Carlos Sanchez Mayordomo
  • Carsten Bittrich
  • Daniel Georg Schröder
  • Daniel Rauch
  • Daniela Boerner
  • Daniela Dominguez Damiani
  • Dustin Biedermann
  • Engin Eren
  • Farhana Zaidi
  • Felipe Campos Penha
  • Felix Driencourt-Mangin
  • Felix Hekhorn
  • Ferdos Rezaei Hosseinabadi
  • Florian Herrmann
  • Francesco Giuli
  • Frasher Loshaj
  • Frederic Poncza
  • Gaël Perrin
  • Hamed Abdolmaleki
  • Hannu Siikonen
  • Harsh Shah
  • Ian Snyder
  • Ievgen Dubovyk
  • Jacob Ethier
  • Jennet Dickinson
  • Johan Thorén
  • Johannes Krause
  • Josef Pacalt
  • Juan Manuel Grados Luyando
  • Juska Pekkanen
  • Karl Nordstrom
  • Kasinath Das
  • Kenneth Long
  • Krystsina Petukhova
  • Ksenia Gasnikova
  • Kuttimalai Silvan
  • Kyle Cormier
  • Marcin Bury
  • Mateusz Dyndal
  • Mazin Khader
  • Mohsen Naseri
  • Mortaza Khatiri Yanehsari
  • Napoletano Davide
  • Nataliia Zakharchuk
  • Nhell Cerna Velazco
  • Nicholas Smith
  • Oleh Fedkevych
  • Petar Bokan
  • Petja Paakkinen
  • Radek Podskubka
  • Raghav Kunnawalkam Elayavalli
  • Razvan-Daniel Bucoveanu
  • Rene Poncelet
  • Robin Linten
  • Sebastian Rosado Navarro
  • Sergii Antropov
  • Silvia Ferrario Ravasio
  • Simon Berlendis
  • So Young Shim
  • Stephan Bräuer
  • Stephan Jahn
  • Stephanie Brandt
  • Stephen Webster
  • Stylianos Gregoriou
  • Suman Chatterjee
  • Svenja Pflitsch
  • Trine Poulsen
  • Uladzislava Yevarouskaya
  • Weidong Bai
  • William Astill
  • Wojciech Bizoń
  • Xiangpeng Wang
  • Xin Mo
  • Yemalin Gabin Gbedo