15–18 Mar 2021
Europe/Berlin timezone

A One-Dimensional Heterobimetallic Fe(III)/Hg(II) Coordination Polymer Linked by a Ditopic Pyrazole Substituted Acetylacetone

16 Mar 2021, 10:20


Oral contribution Young crystallographers: Lightning talks Young crystallographers: Lightning talks


Mr Steven van Terwingen (Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, RWTH Aachen University)


Due to their vast applications monometallic coordination polymers (CPs) have increasingly attracted the interest of various fields over the last years.$^{[1]}$ We focus on using heterofunctional ligands to synthesize heterobimetallic CPs, combining the properties of two metals in one homogenous material.$^{[2]}$ Our stepwise approach includes the synthesis of a metalloligand and, afterwards, its crosslinking using a second metal cation. Herein we present this approach for the ligand (3-(1,3,5-trimethyl-4-1H-pyrazolyl)acetylacetone (HacacMePz) with its heterobimetallic coordination polymer containing Fe(III) and Hg(II).
The CP crystallizes as an acetonitrile solvate in the triclinic space group $P\bar{1}$ with Z = 2. The [Fe(acacMePz)$_3$] metalloligands are linked by {Hg$_2$(µ$_2$-Cl)Cl$_3$} moieties. While the coordination sphere around the Fe(III) ion is a rather regular octahedron, the two symmetry inequivalent Hg(II) ions adopt distorted tetrahedral coordination environments ($\tau_4$ = 0.82, 0.76).$^{[3]}$ Interestingly, only one chlorido ligand is bridging and the other three are bound to one Hg(II) ion. This connectivity leads to an one-dimensional CP with a ladder-like structure as seen in Figure 1. The polymer expands in [1 −1 1] direction without any meaningful interactions between adjacent chains.

[1] S. R. Batten, S. M. Neville, D. R. Turner, Coordination Polymers: Design, Analysis and Application, RSC Publishing, Cambridge, 2009.
[2] M. Kremer, U. Englert, Z. Kristallogr. 2018, 233, 437-452.
[3] A. W. Addison, T. N. Rao, J. Chem. Soc., Dalton Trans. 1984, 1349-1356.

Primary author

Mr Steven van Terwingen (Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, RWTH Aachen University)


Mr Ben Ebel (Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, RWTH Aachen University) Prof. Ulli Englert (Institute of Inorganic Chemistry, RWTH Aachen University)

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