The MAgnetized Disc And Mirror Axion eXperiment is designed to search for dark matter axions in the mass range around 100 µeV, which previously was inaccessible by other experiments. This mass range is favored by models in which the PQ symmetry is broken after inflation. The required sensitivity is reached in MADMAX by applying the dielectric haloscope approach, exploiting the axion to photon conversion at dielectric surfaces within a strong magnetic field. For MADMAX a system of up to 80 movable dielectric discs of more than 1 m diameter, the so-called booster, inside an approximately 9 T magnetic field is foreseen. The experiment will be located at DESY Hamburg in Germany and is currently entering its prototyping phase.
Among the crucial steps on the path towards the MADMAX prototype is of course the understanding and calibration of the booster and its behavior which is currently pursued using small scale closed systems. Vast progress has been made here culminating in an Axion-Like-Particle search with this closed system utilizing the MORPURGO magnet at CERN, which will also host the MADMAX prototype in the future. In addition methods to study the electric field in an open system are being developed and will allow for calibrating and aligning an open booster. Along with these activities the preparations for comissioning of the MADMAX prototype including e.g. the construction of the prototope booster and the MADMAX Prototype Cryostat are advancing.
In this contribution, first results from the small scale closed booster system, including the ALP search performed at CERN in 2023, will be shown along with the results of extensive studies looking at various aspects of the prototype and full-scale booster like the measurements of the electric field shape. Together with these results guiding the path towards the MADMAX (prototype) experiment an outlook will be given on the time schedule for the MADMAX prototype including the operation and the planned ALP search at CERN as well as on ongoing developments such as future low noise receivers.
Collaboration / Activity | MADMAX |