Aug 20 – 25, 2023
Universität Hamburg
Europe/Berlin timezone

The MUonE DAQ: Online Track-finding and Event Selection in Hardware at 40 MHz

Aug 25, 2023, 9:10 AM
Hörsaal B (Historic main building)

Hörsaal B

Historic main building

Edmund-Siemers-Allee 1
Parallel session talk Detector R&D and Data Handling T12 Detector R&D and Data Handling


David Monk (Northwestern University (US))


High intensity beams provide a significant challenge to DAQ systems, in particular when reading out many sensors. The MUonE experiment has been conducting beam tests using the M2 muon beam at CERN, with in-spill intensity of $5 \times 10^7$ muons/s, using silicon strip sensors with a bandwidth of 5 Gb/s per module. A pilot run is scheduled for late summer, which will incorporate several such modules arranged in three tracking stations and a prototype electromagnetic calorimeter connected to a triggerless readout system. Limits on processing and data storage will necessitate online event selection to be implemented in hardware, on state-of-the-art AMD-Xilinx UltraScale+ FPGAs.
The status and plans of the MUonE DAQ operation will be presented, outlining a general purpose platform for online event selection, from simple occupancy cuts, to track reconstruction, vertexing and particle identification using low-latency machine learning.

Collaboration / Activity MUonE Collaboration

Primary author

David Monk (Northwestern University (US))

Presentation materials