Proton Structure in the LHC Era

Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1 (DESY Hamburg)

Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

DESY Hamburg

The „Proton Structure in the LHC Era“ school will make the participants familiar with the recent developments necessary for studying the impact of the experimental measurements in understanding the proton structure, in particular, parton distribution functions(PDFs). The school will consist of lectures covering the underlying physics and various ingredients of PDF determination as well as tutorials and practical exercises.

The school fee is 40 Euro and has to be paid cash at the registration desk.

A map of the DESY site can be found here - 28c is located at the north of the DESY area, the best way is to take the road to the DESY side entrance and to then take the road to the PETRA-III hall and continue a few more meters!
DESY map
  • A. Cooper-Sarkar
  • Adrian Lewis
  • Alberto Guffanti
  • Alexandre Glazov
  • Andrea Del Rocio Vargas Trevino
  • Andrea Visconti
  • Andrii Gizhko
  • Craig Sawyer
  • Daniel Britzger
  • Denys Lontkovskyi
  • Dominic Hirschbuehl
  • Elena Yatsenko
  • Enrico Bothmann
  • Felix Müller
  • Frank Ellinghaus
  • Georg Sieber
  • George Sedov
  • Ian Brock
  • James Dassoulas
  • Joao Guimaraes da Costa
  • Katarzyna Wichmann
  • Katerina Lipka
  • Klaus Rabbertz
  • Konrad Nesteruk
  • Krzysztof Nowak
  • Maciej Misiura
  • Marco Guzzi
  • Mark Sutton
  • Markus Zinser
  • Michael Medinnis
  • Michiel Botje
  • Mikhail Karnevskiy
  • Nataliia Kondrashova
  • Oleg Kuprash
  • Oleksandr Zenaiev
  • Paolo Gunnellini
  • Pavel Belov
  • Pavel Starovoitov
  • Pedro Cipriano
  • Ramandeep Kumar Kumar
  • Ringaile Placakyte
  • Samantha Dooling
  • Sanmay Ganguly
  • Sebastian Naumann-Emme
  • Sebastian Schmitt
  • Sergey Alekhin
  • Serguei Yanush
  • Spyridon Argyropoulos
  • Tomaszewska Justyna
  • Vladimir Drugakov
  • Vladyslav Libov
  • Voica Radescu
  • Wolfgang Wagner
    • 1
      Lecture: QCD factorisation Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      DESY Hamburg

      Speaker: Dr Sergey Alekhin (Institute for High Energy Physics (Protvino, Russia))
    • 2
      Lecture: PDF determinations and their ingredients Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      DESY Hamburg

      Speakers: Prof. A. Cooper-Sarkar (Oxford), Prof. Amanda Cooper-Sarkar (Oxford University)
    • 11:00
      Coffee break Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      DESY Hamburg

    • 3
      Lecture: Comparing data and theory at the LHC Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      DESY Hamburg

      Speaker: judith katzy (desy)
    • 12:30
      Lunch break Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      DESY Hamburg

    • 4
      Lecture: QCD evolution with QCDNUM Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      DESY Hamburg

      Speaker: Botje Michiel (NIKHEF)
    • 5
      Lecture: PDF reweighting Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      DESY Hamburg

      Speaker: Dr Alberto Guffanti (University of Freiburg)
    • 15:30
      Coffee break Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      DESY Hamburg

    • 6
      Lecture and tutorial: QCD fit tools - HERAFitter: overview and examples Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      DESY Hamburg

      Speakers: Ringaile Placakyte (Desy-Atlas), Dr Voica Radescu (DESY)
    • 7
      Lecture and tutorial: FastNLO Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      DESY Hamburg

      Speakers: Daniel Britzger, Dr Klaus Rabbertz (University of Karlsruhe)
      Gzipped jet cross-section table
      tarball of fastNLO Reader Code
    • 10:30
      Coffee break Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      DESY Hamburg

    • 8
      Lecture and tutorial: ApplGrid Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      DESY Hamburg

      Speakers: Mark Sutton, Pavel Starovoitov (DESY)
    • 12:30
      Lunch break Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      DESY Hamburg

    • 9
      Lecture and tutorial: OPENQCDRad Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      DESY Hamburg

      Speaker: Dr Sergey Alekhin (Institute for High Energy Physics (Protvino, Russia))
    • 15:30
      Coffee break Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      DESY Hamburg

    • 10
      Lecture and Tutorial: Uncertainty treatment in PDFs Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      DESY Hamburg

      Speaker: Alexander Glazov (DESY)
      tutorial material
    • 11
      Lecture: LHC measurements relevant for PDFs sem room 4 (building 1, DESY Hamburg)

      sem room 4

      building 1, DESY Hamburg

      Speaker: Dr Joao Guimaraes da Costa
    • 10:30
      Coffee break Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      DESY Hamburg

    • 12
      Tutorial: Including additional measurements sem room 4 (building 1, DESY Hamburg)

      sem room 4

      building 1, DESY Hamburg

      Speaker: Krzysztof Nowak (DESY)
    • 13
      Final remarks and school closing sem room 4 (building 1, DESY Hamburg)

      sem room 4

      building 1, DESY Hamburg

    • 13:00
      Lunch break Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      Mon-Tue: 28c, Wed: SR4 bld1

      DESY Hamburg