Christoph Rosemann(DESY Hamburg), Gero Flucke(DESY), Olaf Behnke(DESY), Stefan Schmitt(DESY), Thomas Schoerner-Sadenius(DESY)
The school aims at providing education for the selected statistics-related tasks and methods for physics data analysis in the LHC era. It is mainly targeted at Master and young Ph.D. students.
The program comprises lectures and tutorials on the following topics:
- Parameter estimation and fitting techniques
- Hypothesis tests
- Limit determination
- Systematic uncertainties
and concludes with a practical analysis walk-through.
covering chi2-fits, chi2 distributions,likelihood fits (binned/unbinned), tutorials showing bias of chi2-fitting for low statistics histograms or formulating your own chi2 (in presence of correlated data?)