The program Matter and Technologies will start officially on January 1 2015 as a part of the research field "matter" within the Helmholtz Association. Matter and Technologies wants to develop technologies in the area of instrumentation and accelerator science. It is driven by the needs of the science done within the research field matter. The program wants to push the Helmholtz association as a center of technological developments, their application to science and beyond.
The program is carried by 6 Helmholtz centers: DESY, FZJ, GSI, KIT, HZDR, HZB and the two Helmholtz Institutes Jena and Mainz. It closely collaborates with many German and international partners, both from research and from industry.
The kickoff meeting represents the visible start of this program. Starting with a series of plenary talks we will review the main goals of the program both in detector and in accelerator science. We will also look at the state of the field internationally, and how we connect to broader developments. In the second part of the meeting both topics will discuss in more detail their status and goals. Just before the main kickoff meeting, starting on Monday, February 22, and ending at noon on Tuesday, February 23, the graduate students associated with the program will meet in a "First MT Student Retreat". For more information on this please visit here.
We are committed to improve the compatibility of job and family. To make it easier for people with young children to attend we will try to support such people in finding proper care during the conference. DESY has an onsite Kindergarten, and can offer attendees some places there for the duration of the conference. Please contact us as early as possible if you are interested.