TTC Meeting at KEK, December 2 - 5, 2014

No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall (KEK Tsukuba)

No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

KEK Tsukuba

Hitoshi Hayano (KEK)
The mission of the TESLA Technology Collaboration is to advance SRF technology R&D and related accelerator studies across the broad diversity of scientific applications, and to keep open and provide a bridge for communication and sharing of ideas, developments, and testing across associated projects. To this end the Collaboration supports and encourages free and open exchange of scientific and technical knowledge, expertise, engineering designs, and equipment. The TTC organizes regular collaboration meetings where new developments are reported, recent findings are discussed and technical issues are concluded. This time, TTC meeting is hosted by KEK on 2-5 December 2014. HAYANO, Hitoshi Chair of the Local Organizing Committee
  • Akira Yamamoto
  • Alena Prudnikava
  • Alexey Sulimov
  • Aliaksandr Navitski
  • Ambra Gresele
  • Andrei Lunin
  • Andy Hocker
  • Axel Matheisen
  • Axel Neumann
  • Camille Ginsburg
  • Carlo Pagani
  • Catherine MADEC
  • Charles Reece
  • Chris Compton
  • Daniel Gonnella
  • David Longuevergne
  • Denis Kostin
  • Detlef Reschke
  • Dmitri Sergatskov
  • Dong-O Jeon
  • Edward Daly
  • Eiji Kako
  • Elvin Harms
  • Enzo Palmieri
  • Erk Jensen
  • Fabien Eozénou
  • Felix Schlander
  • Ganapati Myneni
  • Gianluigi Ciovati
  • Grigori Shirkov
  • Guillaume Devanz
  • Hans Weise
  • Hasan Padamsee
  • Hassen JENHANI
  • Hervé Dzitko
  • Hideyoshi Nakamura
  • Hiroshi HARA
  • Hiroshi Sakai
  • Hirotaka NAKAI
  • Hitoshi Hayano
  • Hyung Jin Kim
  • Jacek Sekutowicz
  • Jens Iversen
  • Jianping Dai
  • Jiyuan Zhai
  • John Mammosser
  • Julia Vogt
  • Juliette Plouin
  • Karl-Martin SCHIRM
  • Kay Jensch
  • Kazunori Okihira
  • Keisuke Nii
  • Kensei Umemori
  • Kiyohiko Nohara
  • Kohei KANAOKA
  • Kurt Artoos
  • Kyohei Miyajima
  • Leonardo Ristori
  • Mahadevan KRISHNAN
  • Marc Ross
  • Masato Satoh
  • Massamba DIOP
  • Mateusz Wiencek
  • Mengxin Xu
  • Naoaki Ikeda
  • Nicholas Walker
  • Nicolas BAZIN
  • Nicolas Gandolfo
  • Nikolay AZARYAN
  • Nobuyuki Kawabata
  • Oleksandr Melnychuk
  • Olivier Napoly
  • Paolo Pierini
  • Rama Calaga
  • Richard York
  • Robert Laxdal
  • Rogerio Ribas
  • Rong-Li Geng
  • Sakanaka Shogo
  • Sang-ho Kim
  • Sebastien Bousson
  • Serena Barbanotti
  • Sergey Belomestnykh
  • Sergio Calatroni
  • Shenghu Zhang
  • Shinya Maeda
  • Stefan Lagotzky
  • Stephen Molloy
  • Takanori Yamaguchi
  • Takayuki Kubo
  • Takayuki SAEKI
  • Takeshi Yanagisawa
  • Taro Konomi
  • Timergali Khabiboulline
  • Tomiko SHIRAKATA
  • Vasim Khan
  • Vijay Chouhan
  • Walid kaabi
  • Walter Venturini Delsolaro
  • Wolf-Dietrich Möller
  • Wolfgang Hees
  • Yasuchika Yamamoto
  • Yegor Tamashevich
  • Yongming Li
  • Yoshihisa Iwashita
  • Yuriy Pischalnikov
    • Registration No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      KEK Tsukuba

    • 1
      Introduction and update from the last Collaboration Meeting No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      KEK Tsukuba

      Speaker: Dr Olivier Napoly (CEA-Saclay)
    • 2
      Welcome and Logistics No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      KEK Tsukuba

      Speaker: Hitoshi Hayano (KEK)
    • 3
      ILC Technical Key issues for realization No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      KEK Tsukuba

      Speaker: Hitoshi Hayano (KEK)
    • 4
      Challenge for mass-production of E-XFEL input couplers No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      KEK Tsukuba

      Speaker: Dr Walid kaabi (LAL)
    • Workshop Picture No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      KEK Tsukuba

    • 10:25
      Coffee break No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      KEK Tsukuba

    • 5
      Modified TTF3 coupler design and related R&D for LCLS-II No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      KEK Tsukuba

      Speaker: Marc Ross (Fermilab)
    • 6
      Technical Progress in ARIEL Electron Linac Comissioning No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      KEK Tsukuba

      Speaker: Robert Laxdal (TRIUMF)
    • 7
      XFEL cavity production tests and comparison before/after module assembly No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      KEK Tsukuba

      Speaker: Dr Detlef Reschke (DESY)
    • 8
      Report from High-Q Working Group No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      KEK Tsukuba

      Speaker: Charles Reece (Jefferson Lab)
    • Lunch cafeteria, restaurant, shops

      cafeteria, restaurant, shops

      KEK Tsukuba

    • WG 1 Module Tests and Procedures No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      KEK Tsukuba

      • 9
        Spiral2 cryomodule testing
        Speaker: Dr Guillaume Devanz (CEA-Irfu)
      • 10
        CM2 recent results
        Speaker: Elvin Harms (Fermilab)
      • 11
        Argonne/ATLAS experience
        Speaker: Elvin Harms (Fermilab)
      • 12
        Progress in a conduction-cooled superconducting quadrupole magnet
        Speaker: Prof. Akira Yamamoto (KEK)
      • 13
      • 14
        XFEL module test infrastructure and procedure at DESY
        Speaker: Mr Mateusz Wiencek (IFJ PAN)
      • 15
        JLAB cryomodule testing
        Speaker: Mr Edward Daly (Jefferson Lab)
      • 16
        ARIEL commissioning
        Speaker: Robert Laxdal (TRIUMF)
      • 17
      • 18
        E-XFEL module test results
        Speaker: Mr Mateusz Wiencek (IFJ PAN)
      • 19
        E-XFEL Cavity Vertical vs. Module Test Statistics
        Speaker: Dr Nicholas Walker (DESY)
      • 20
        E-XFEL module HOM couplers experience
        Speaker: Dr Alexey Sulimov (DESY)
      • 21
        RF performance in STF2 cryomodule tests
        Speaker: Eiji Kako (KEK)
      • 22
        Cryogenic performance in STF2 cryomodule tests
        Speaker: Prof. Hirotaka NAKAI (KEK)
      • 23
        First attempt to correlate field emission in vertical cavity testing and cryomodule cavity testing by at-cavity-Xray-detection
        Speaker: Dr Rong-Li Geng (Jefferson Lab)
      • 24
        ESS Spoke Cryomodule testing preparation in Uppsala
        Speaker: Dr Sebastien Bousson (IPN Orsay)
      • 25
    • WG 3 High Qo No.4 Building 2F room244/245 (KEK Tsukuba)

      No.4 Building 2F room244/245

      KEK Tsukuba

      • 26
        HTS results on thermoelectric contribution to surface resistance at HZB
        Speaker: Julia Vogt (HZB)
      • 27
        Impact of cool-down procedure and residual field on high-Q0 at Cornell
        Speaker: Mr Daniel Gonnella (Cornell University)
      • 28
        Fermilab studies of quality factor changes of a N doped cavity from vertical to dressed horizontal test
        Speaker: Julia Vogt (HZB)
      • 29
        Efficient cooling with large thermogradients needed for full flux expulsion
        Speaker: Dr Dmitri Sergatskov (Fermilab)
      • 30
        Results from cool-down experiments at DESY
        Speaker: Dr Aliaksandr Navitski (Deutsches Elektronen Synchrotron)
      • 31
        Open discussion on cool-down procedure
      • 32
        Update on N2-doping at FNAL
        Speaker: Oleksandr Melnychuk (Fermilab)
      • 33
        Update on N2-doping at JLAB
        Speaker: Charles Reece (Jefferson Lab)
      • 34
        Update on N2-doping at Cornell
        Speaker: Mr Daniel Gonnella (Cornell University)
      • 35
        Open discussion on surface processing
    • Collaboration Board meeting 4B1F-R127 (Room 127) 1F room 127 (No.4 Building)

      1F room 127

      No.4 Building

    • WG 1 Module Tests and Procedures No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      KEK Tsukuba

      • 36
        Cornell cryomodule testing experience
        Speaker: Mr Daniel Gonnella (Cornell University)
      • 37
        CW vs. pulsed module test at DESY
        Speaker: Dr Jacek Sekutowicz (DESY)
      • 38
        LCLS-II coupler test results
        Speaker: Dr Andy Hocker (Fermilab)
      • 39
        LCLS-II cryomodule testing plans
        Speakers: Elvin Harms (Fermilab), Dr Nikolay Solyak (Fermilab)
      • 40
      • 41
        Summary of WG1
    • WG 3 High Qo No.4 Building 2F room244/245 (KEK Tsukuba)

      No.4 Building 2F room244/245

      KEK Tsukuba

      • 42
        N2 and Ti doping of ingot Nb cavities
        Speaker: Dr Gianluigi Ciovati (Jefferson Lab)
      • 43
        Field limit and nano-defects covering material surface
        Speaker: Dr Takayuki Kubo (KEK)
      • 44
        Open discussion on all WG3 topics (included cooldown influence on Nb/Cu Rs)
        Included HIE-ISOLDE data on cooldown conditions influence on Rs of Nb/Cu structures
    • 10:30
      Coffee break No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      KEK Tsukuba

    • WG 2 Module Assembly (-post clean room) No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      KEK Tsukuba

      • 45
        Speaker: Mr Kay Jensch (DESY)
      • 46
        Summary of ESS workshop in October "Requirements Conformance for SRF Cryomodule"
        Speaker: Mr Wolfgang Hees (ESS)
      • 47
        Report on XFEL plans and experience on module→tunnel
        Speaker: Mr Kay Jensch (DESY)
      • 48
        Introduction of open clean bench of class 1 for (beam line) assembly work
        Speaker: Mr Shinya Maeda (Koken ltd.)
      • 49
        Report on CEBAF experience with magnetic materials in modules
        Speaker: Dr Rong-Li Geng (Jefferson Lab)
    • WG 4 Cavity Fabrication and Preparation No.4 Building 2F room244/245 (KEK Tsukuba)

      No.4 Building 2F room244/245

      KEK Tsukuba

      • 50
        New data on pressure tested niobium materials
        Speaker: Dr Gianluigi Ciovati (Jefferson Lab)
      • 51
        Niobium production
        Speaker: Mr Rogerio Ribas (CBMM)
      • 52
        SRF ingot niobium technology past present and future prospects
        Speaker: Dr Ganapati Myneni (ISOHIM)
      • 53
        Characterization of control of foreign materials on post-machined niobium surface
        Speaker: Dr Rong-Li Geng (Jefferson Lab)
      • 54
        Surface analysis of Nb cavity after CBP
        Speaker: Dr Alena Prudnikava (Uni Hamburg, DESY)
      • 55
        Lab EP study on inhomogeneous removal in vertical EP of Niobium cavity
        Speaker: Dr SHIGEKI KATO (KEK)
      • 56
        Study on vertical EP with Nb coupon cavity
        Speaker: Dr Vijay Chouhan (Marui Galvanizing Co Ltd, Japan)
      • 57
        Discussion and Summary
    • Lunch cafeteria, restaurant, shops

      cafeteria, restaurant, shops

      KEK Tsukuba

    • WG 2 Module Assembly (-post clean room) No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      KEK Tsukuba

      • 58
        Actively cooled magnetic shielding in the Spiral2 high beta cryomodules
        Speaker: Dr Sebastien Bousson (IPN Orsay)
      • 59
        material properties measurement at cold
        Speaker: Ms Juliette Plouin (CEA-Saclay)
      • 60
        IHEP ILC test cryomodule assembly
        Speaker: Dr Jiyuan Zhai (IHEP)
      • 61
        Plans for the assembly of the ESS prototype cryomodule: assembly steps, controls and tools
        Speaker: Mr Nicolas BAZIN (CEA)
      • 62
        SFT2 cryomodule assembly at KEK
        Speaker: Mr Takeshi Yanagisawa (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, LTD.)
      • 63
        Updates from SNS concerning plans for Second Target Station project
        Speaker: Dr Sang-ho Kim (Oak Ridge National Laboratory)
      • 64
        LCLSII plans on "fast-cooling" and controlled thermal gradients to prevent magnetic field trapping (from cryomodule perspective!)
        Speaker: Elvin Harms (Fermilab)
      • 65
        ESS cryomodule test stands
        Speaker: Mr Wolfgang Hees (ESS)
    • WG 4 Cavity Fabrication and Preparation No.4 Building 2F room244/245 (KEK Tsukuba)

      No.4 Building 2F room244/245

      KEK Tsukuba

      • 66
        Open discussion with cavity fabricators based on questions presented
      • 67
        Lab and Fabricator discussion
      • 68
        XFEL 3.9GHz cavity fabrication experience
        Speaker: Carlo Pagani (INFN Milano - LASA)
      • 69
        SRF activities at MHI
        Speaker: Mr Hiroshi HARA (Mitsubishi Heavy Industries, Ltd.)
      • 70
        Current status of JINR activity on Linear Colliders
        Speaker: Prof. Grigori Shirkov (Joint Institute for Nuclear Research)
      • 71
        Hydroforming SRF cavities from seamless Nb tubes
        Speaker: Masashi Yamanaka (KEK)
      • 72
        R&D of advanced fabrication method for HOM coupler
        Speaker: Dr Kiyohiko Nohara (Shinohara Press Service Co. Ltd. (SPS))
      • 73
        New insights into 2nd sound quench evaluation
        Speaker: Mr Yegor Tamashevich (Uni Hamburg / DESY)
      • 74
        Statistical model for field emitter activation on Niobium to estimate the electron loading in high-gradient accelerating structures
        Speaker: Mr Stefan Lagotzky (Bergische Universität Wuppertal)
      • 75
    • WG 5 Low beta and Crab Cavities No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      KEK Tsukuba

      • 76
        Integrated test at FRIB
        Speaker: Mr Chris Compton (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB))
      • 77
        Dressed spoke cavity test results at FNAL
        Speaker: Dr Andy Hocker (Fermilab)
      • 78
        Development of spoke012 cavities for China ADS Injector I test cryomodule
        Speaker: Dr Jiyuan Zhai (IHEP)
      • 79
        Plans for integrated testing at RISP
        Speaker: Dr Hyung Jin Kim (Institute for Basic Science)
      • 80
      • 81
        Magnetic shielding studies at FRIB
        Speaker: Mr Chris Compton (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB))
      • 82
        Magnetic shielding for China ADS Spoke012 cavity
        Speaker: Dr Jiyuan Zhai (IHEP)
      • 83
        Magnetic shielding for IFMIF CMs
        Speaker: Mr Nicolas BAZIN (CEA)
      • 84
      • 85
        coffee break
      • 86
        Custom welding for post fabrication frequency tuning
        Speaker: Mr Chris Compton (Facility for Rare Isotope Beams (FRIB))
      • 87
        Fabrication and post-fabrication steps for reaching target freq in spoke cavities
        Speakers: Leonardo Ristori (Fermilab), Timergali Khabiboulline (Fermilab)
      • 88
        Frequency control of spoke012 cavities
        Speaker: Dr Jiyuan Zhai (IHEP)
      • 89
        Resonance control/microphonics in spoke cavities
        Speaker: Dr Yuriy Pischalnikov (Fermilab)
      • 90
        Reaching goal freq in IFMIF HWRs
        Speaker: Mr Nicolas BAZIN (CEA)
      • 91
        Reaching goal freq in Spiral2 QWR: results
        Speaker: Dr Sebastien Bousson (IPN Orsay)
      • 92
      • 93
        Prototype cavities and cyromodule development for HL-LHC crab cavities
        Speaker: Rama Calaga (CERN)
      • 94
        Compact quarter wave crab cavity: design, fabrication and testing challenges
        Speaker: Dr Sergey Belomestnykh (Brookhaven National Laboratory)
      • 95
        Development of multi-cell SC deflection cavity with no HOM-couplers for LCLS-II and PIP-III projects
        Speaker: Dr Andrei Lunin (FNAL)
      • 96
        Development of SC spoke cavity for electron accelerator in Japan - Multipactor simulation of 325MHz SC spoke cavity
        Speakers: Masaru Sawamura (JAEA), Dr Takayuki Kubo (KEK)
    • WG 6 Peripheral Key Components No.4 Building 2F room244/245 (KEK Tsukuba)

      No.4 Building 2F room244/245

      KEK Tsukuba

      • 97
        Review of world-wide tuner designs and developments
        Speaker: Eiji Kako (KEK)
      • 98
        Tuner development at CEA-Saclay
        Speaker: Dr Guillaume Devanz (CEA-Irfu)
      • 99
        Tuner development at CERN
        Speaker: Mr Kurt Artoos (CERN)
      • 100
        Development of LCLS-II tuner
        Speaker: Dr Yuriy Pischalnikov (Fermilab)
      • 101
        Piezo radiation resistance
        Speaker: Mr Nicolas Gandolfo (IPN Orsay)
      • 102
      • 103
        Challenge for mass production of E-XFEL input couplers
        Speaker: Dr Walid kaabi (LAL)
      • 104
        Modified TTF3 coupler design and related R&D for LCLS-II
        Speaker: Marc Ross (Fermilab)
      • 105
        IFMIF power coupler conditioning test results
        Speaker: Dr Hassen JENHANI (IRFU/CEA)
      • 106
        Study of low SEE coefficient Alumina for SRF Power-Coupler Window
        Speaker: Mr Koichi Iwamoto (KYOCERA Corporation)
      • 107
        Fabrication of STF-type couplers plug-compatible with TTF3-type couplers
        Speaker: Mr OSAMU YUSHIRO (Toshiba -TETD)
      • 108
        HOM power challenge for CEPC
        Speaker: Dr Jiyuan Zhai (IHEP)
      • 109
    • Lunch cafeteria, restaurant, shops

      cafeteria, restaurant, shops

      KEK Tsukuba

    • Technical Board meeting No.4 Building 1F room 127

      No.4 Building 1F room 127

      KEK Tsukuba

    • KEK Tours (STF, cERL, CFF) STF, cERL, CFF (KEK Tsukuba)

      STF, cERL, CFF

      KEK Tsukuba

    • Preparation for Summary Talk No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

    • KEK Tours for Conveners (STF and cERL) No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall (STF, cERL)

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      STF, cERL

    • Transportation to Dinner place No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      KEK Tsukuba

    • Dinner Tsukuba down-town

      Tsukuba down-town

    • 110
      Summary of HOMSC14 Workshop No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      KEK Tsukuba

      Speaker: Dr Jacek Sekutowicz (DESY)
    • 111
      Summary of Clean Room Assembly Workshop No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      KEK Tsukuba

      Speaker: Dr Catherine MADEC (CEA-SAclay)
    • 112
      Summary of Thin Film Workshop No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      KEK Tsukuba

      Speaker: Prof. Enzo Palmieri (INFN - LNL)
    • 113
      Summary Talk, WG1 (Module Tests and Procedures) No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      KEK Tsukuba

      Speakers: Dr Denis Kostin (DESY), Elvin Harms (Fermilab)
    • 114
      Summary Talk, WG2 (Module Assembly -post clean room) No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      KEK Tsukuba

      Speakers: Mr Kay Jensch (DESY), Paolo Pierini (INFN Sezione di Milano - LASA), Dr Sang-ho Kim (Oak Ridge National Laboratory), Mrs Serena Barbanotti (DESY)
    • 10:30
      Coffee break No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      KEK Tsukuba

    • 115
      Summary Talk, WG3 (High Qo) No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      KEK Tsukuba

      Speakers: Charles Reece (Jefferson Lab), Dr Detlef Reschke (DESY), Dr Gianluigi Ciovati (Jefferson Lab)
    • 116
      Summary Talk, WG4 (Cavity Fabrication and Preparation) No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      KEK Tsukuba

      Speakers: Mr John Mammosser (ORNL/SNS), Mr Kensei Umemori (KEK)
    • 117
      Summary Talk, WG5 (Low beta and Crab Cavities) No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      KEK Tsukuba

      Speakers: Dr Jiyuan Zhai (IHEP), Robert Laxdal (TRIUMF), Dr Sebastien Bousson (IPN Orsay)
    • 118
      Summary Talk, WG6 (Peripheral Key Components) No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      KEK Tsukuba

      Speakers: Prof. Akira Yamamoto (KEK), Dr Guillaume Devanz (CEA-Irfu)
    • 119
      TB report No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      KEK Tsukuba

      Speaker: Eiji Kako (KEK)
    • 120
      CB report No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      KEK Tsukuba

      Speaker: Dr Olivier Napoly (CEA-Saclay)
    • 121
      Closing No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      No.4 Building 1F Seminar Hall

      KEK Tsukuba

      Speaker: Dr Olivier Napoly (CEA-Saclay)