1 March 2021 to 30 December 2024
online event
Europe/Berlin timezone
The next tutorial is scheduled for 7 October 2024 - speaker tba

The Science@FELs 2020 conference, the first online Science@FELs, was accompanied by a small number of focus tutorials led by eminent FEL scientists and specifically addressing younger members of the FEL community. The tutorials introduced hot topics in the field of FEL science with larger depth than usually possible in conference talks. Based on the very positive reception of these tutorials, Fels of Europe has started a regular online tutorial series inviting distinguished scholars in the field.

We try to regularly hold it on the first Monday of every other month at 5:00 pm.

The tutorials will usually be recorded.

Registered participants can access the recordings on this page (left hand navigation) within 4-5 days after the event, publication will be announced via email to all registered participants.

  • 01 March 2021 - Giorgio Margaritondo (EPFL) : "FEL basics, generation and applications"
  • 03 May 2021 - Jon Marangos (Blackett Laboratory Extreme Light Consortium, Imperial College London): "X-rays for Few to Sub-Femtosecond Measurements"
  • 05 July 2021 Jos Oomens (Radboud University, FELIX Laboratory): "FEL based infrared ion spectroscopy: new opportunities in physical and analytical chemistry”
  • 06 September 2021 - Nina Rohringer (DESY): "Stimulated X-Ray Emission – Opportunities for new x-ray sources and nonlinear spectroscopy"
  • 04 October 2021 - Anders Nilsson (Stockholm University): "X-ray Spectroscopy for Surface and Water Science"
  • 08 November 2021 -  Francesca Calegari (DESY): "Attosecond technology to trace electron dynamics in matter"
  • 31 January 2022 - Elspeth Garman (University of Oxford): "Quantifying absorbed dose for samples in XFEL experiments: an aid to determining radiation-damage-free structures"
  • 04 April 2022 - Jens Biegert (ICFO, Institute of Photonic Sciences, Barcelona): "Prospects with attosecond technology and ultrafast x-rays"
  • 13 June 2022 - Gianluca Geloni (European XFEL): "X-Ray Free Electron Lasers: from Self-Amplified Spontaneous Emission to Advanced Modes of Operation"

Embedded in the Science@FELs 2022 conference

  • 19 September 2022 - Massimo Altarelli (MPSD): "Overview and scientific perspectives of worldwide FEL facilities"
  • 19 September 2022 - Linda Young (University of Chicago): "Stimulated X-ray Raman Spectroscopy with SASE pulses"
  • 19 September 2022 - Christian David (PSI): "Diffractive X-ray optics for XFELs: opportunities and challenges"- This tutorial will not be recorded

  • 07 November 2022 -  Markus Gühr (DESY): "Probing ultrafast molecular photoenergy conversion with soft x-ray FELs"
  • 06 February 2023 - Christian Bressler (EuXFEL): "VLab. A new way to enter femtosecond XFEL experiments"
  • 03 April 2023 - Emmanuelle Jal (Sorbonne Université): "Probing ultrafast magnetization thanks to ultrashort XUV and soft X-ray pulses"
  • 05 June 2023 - Alexey Kimel (Radboud University): "Ultrafast magnetism - terra incognita beyond the conventional approximations"
  • 04 December 2023 - Henry Chapman (DESY) - "Serial crystallography and diffraction with XFEL pulses"
  • 01 July 2024 - Andrea Eschenlohr (University Duisburg-Essen) - "Femtosecond time-resolved x-ray absorption spectroscopy of solids"
  • 07 October 2024 - tba


online event