11th AxionWIMP conference (Patras workshop)

Aula Magna (Paraninfo, Universidad de Zaragoza)

Aula Magna

Paraninfo, Universidad de Zaragoza

Plaza Basilio Paraiso 4, 50004 Zaragoza
The 11th Patras Workshop on Axions, WIMPs and WISPs will be held in the city of Zaragoza (Spain) from June 22nd to 26th, 2015. The present workshop will continue this very rich series, reviewing recent theoretical advances, laboratory experiments and astrophysical and cosmological results regarding axions, WIMPs and WISPs.
Participation by young scientists is encouraged, as this series started as Training Workshops at CERN. A poster session is scheduled and the award of a prize to recognize the best poster contribution is envisaged.
A registration fee of 330 EUR (250 for students) covers lunchs, coffe breaks, conference dinner and social/cultural events. Early registrantion (before May 1st) is encouraged with a discount bonus of 50 EUR. More details are given on the conference web page: http://axion-wimp.desy.de/
  • Abdallah Jalal
  • Adrian Carmona Bermudez
  • Adrián Ayala
  • Alessandro mirizzi
  • Alex Gomes Dias
  • Alexander Balakin
  • Alexander Derbin
  • Alexander Sushkov
  • Alexey Lubashevskiy
  • Alistair Butcher
  • Andrea Münster
  • Andrei Lobanov
  • Andrew Geraci
  • Angel Paredes
  • Antoine Letessier Selvon
  • Antonello Ortolan
  • Ashot Gasparian
  • Athanasios Hatzikoutelis
  • Axel Lindner
  • Babette Doebrich
  • Benito Gimeno Martinez
  • Benjamin Roberts
  • Biljana Lakic
  • Byeong Rok Ko
  • Carlos P. Garay
  • Chanda Prescod-Weinstein
  • Christoph Weniger
  • Ciaran O'Hare
  • Damian Ejlli
  • Daniel Grin
  • David G. Cerdeño
  • David Tanner
  • Diego Gonzalez-Diaz
  • Domenec Espriu
  • Dominika Konikowska
  • Dong-Ok Kim
  • Doyu Lee
  • Eduardo Follana
  • Eduardo García
  • Federico Mescia
  • Francisco Jose Iguaz Gutierrez
  • Frank Avignone
  • Fritz Caspers
  • Georg Raffelt
  • Geraldine Servant
  • Giovanni Cantatore
  • Gloria Luzon
  • Gray Rybka
  • Hartmut Abele
  • Hideo Kodama
  • Hooman Davoudiasl
  • Huanyu Wang
  • Igor Irastorza
  • Igor Tkachev
  • Ippei Obata
  • Jan Heisig
  • Javier Galan
  • Javier Gracia Garza
  • Javier Redondo
  • Jhilik Majumdar
  • Joerg Jaeckel
  • Jose Angel Villar
  • Jose Manuel Carmona
  • Juan Antonio García Pascual
  • Julia Stadler
  • Jun'ya Suzuki
  • Karl van Bibber
  • Klaus Desch
  • Konstancja Satalecka
  • Konstantin ZIOUTAS
  • Le Hoang Nguyen
  • Lino Miceli
  • Liping Gan
  • Ludwig Rauch
  • Manuel Meyer
  • Marc Schumann
  • Marco Roncadelli
  • Mariangela Settimo
  • martyn davenport
  • Maryvonne de jesus
  • María Luisa SARSA
  • Mathieu Pellen
  • Maurizio giannotti
  • Michael Tobar
  • Miguel Ángel Oliván
  • Miroslav Sulc
  • Nathan Woollett
  • Noëmie Bastidon
  • Núria Vinyoles Vergés
  • Oliver Baker
  • Osamu Seto
  • Oscar Straniero
  • Paola Arias
  • Paolo Beltrame
  • Patricia Villar
  • Paul Brink
  • Pierre Sikivie
  • Richard Creswick
  • Sean Tulin
  • Sebastian Hoof
  • Seng Pei Liew
  • Sergey Troitsky
  • Seung Pyo Chang
  • Stefano Colucci
  • SungWoo YOUN
  • Surjeet Rajendran
  • Susana Cebrian
  • Swapan Chattopadhyay
  • Theopisti Dafni
  • Valentina Muratova
  • Vicente Azcoiti
  • Victor Flambaum
  • William Wester
  • Woohyun Chung
  • xingzhu Cui
  • Yannis Semertzidis
  • Yoshizumi Inoue
  • Yujung Lee